Polypropylene is a polymer material that is used to manufacture containers for various purposes. Polypropylene tanks are strong, rigid structures that are resistant to deformation and mechanical damage. Plastic tanks are widely used in the household and industrial spheres. The advantages of polypropylene containers in industry include low weight and a long service life exceeding 60 years.
Purpose and advantages of polypropylene containers in industry
Versatility is one of the main advantages of polypropylene tanks. Plastic tanks are used to arrange autonomous water supply and sewage systems in production. To ensure the operation of enterprises in the field of service, public catering, food and chemical industry, production shops and construction sites, water supply and further collection of waste water is necessary. In the absence of centralized water supply and connection to the central sewage network, the optimal solution will be the arrangement of autonomous engineering communications. Plastic tanks form the basis of autonomous communications. Other areas of application in industry:
- storage and transportation of agricultural products, KAS fertilizers, chemicals, fuels and lubricants, drinking and technical water;
- arrangement of irrigation and watering systems at the agricultural enterprise; raising fish in artificial conditions and
- further transportation to the place of sale;
- arrangement of industrial treatment facilities;
- creation of fire tanks.
Polypropylene tanks are used as galvanic baths at factories where the technology provides for the process of galvanizing products. Some types of polypropylene, thanks to modifying additives, acquire increased strength and resistance to shock loads. Tanks made of impact-resistant material are suitable for transporting and storing valuable and dangerous substances. The main advantages of polypropylene containers in industry:
- Light weight. A tank with a volume of 1000 liters weighs a little more than 68 kg.
- Low price compared to metal and fiberglass tanks.
- Chemical inertness. The tank walls do not interact with the contents.
- Resistance to ultraviolet radiation. The material does not deteriorate under the influence of sunlight.
- Environmental friendliness. Polypropylene is safe for human health, animals and the environment.
- Repairability. In case of damage to the tank, it is possible to restore integrity and functionality.
- Low sensitivity to the formation and development of pathogenic microflora – fungi, viruses, bacteria.
- Simple care. To maintain consumer properties, it is enough to regularly wash the walls of the tank with water and detergent.
- Disinfection. Polypropylene containers are disinfected with hot steam.
- Wide range. Containers of any size and shape (rectangular, square, conical, cylindrical) are available to buyers. The capacity of the tanks varies between 50 and 30,000 liters.
Thanks to the low weight of the plastic tank, delivery to the place of operation and installation is simplified. The installation of the polypropylene tank does not require the arrangement of the foundation. Surface and underground installation is allowed. The walls of the tank do not collapse when in contact with the ground. Chemical inertness determines the preservation of physical and chemical properties of substances stored and transported in containers. The plastic body does not affect the taste and smell of drinking water.
Plastic containers are suitable for transporting and storing alcohols, alkalis, and concentrated acids. Polypropylene has good resistance to esters and aldehydes. The material does not crack under conditions of temperature changes. Due to their thermal stability, polypropylene tanks are suitable for heating and storing hot water.
Plastic containers are not prone to rotting and corrosion.
Polypropylene tanks are recyclable. Thanks to recycling, the negative impact of industrial production on the environment is reduced. Car battery cases, brushes, brooms and other garden and cleaning equipment are made from recycled polypropylene.
Low price means economic benefit. In order for the enterprise to develop stably, it is important to reduce production costs. The head of the enterprise, who chooses plastic tanks to solve production and commercial tasks, successfully conducts business and increases profits.
Властивості та характеристики
Поліпропіленові ємності виготовляють методом ротаційного формування, що дозволяє одержувати монолітні конструкції без зварних швів. Основні властивості матеріалу:
- водопоглинання – 0,01% протягом 24 годин;
- товщина стінки – 5-20 мм;
- ступінь пружності при згинанні – 1,6 ГПа;
- межа міцності при навантаженні, що розтягує, – до 40 МПа;
- температура безперервної експлуатації в межах від -20 ° C до +130 ° C;
- коефіцієнт теплопровідності – 0,15 Вт/(м*К).
Порівняно з виробництвом ємностей зі склопластику процес виготовлення баків із поліпропілену простий та менш витратний, що означає низьку ціну готової продукції.
Properties and characteristics
Polypropylene containers are made by the method of rotational molding, which allows you to obtain monolithic structures without welds. The main properties of the material:
- water absorption – 0.01% within 24 hours;
- wall thickness – 5-20 mm;
- degree of elasticity during bending – 1.6 GPa;
- strength limit under tensile load – up to 40 MPa;
- temperature of continuous operation in the range from -20 ° C to +130 ° C;
- thermal conductivity coefficient – 0.15 W/(m*K).
Compared to the production of containers from fiberglass, the process of manufacturing polypropylene tanks is simple and less expensive, which means a low price of finished products.
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